
Original Articles

Costigan, S., Gråstén, A., Huhtiniemi, M., Kolunsarka, I., Lubans, D., & Jaakkola, T. 2024. Longitudinal associations between anxiety in physical education and fitness among Finnish adolescents. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 10.1123/jtpe.2023-0215


Gråstén, A. 2014. Students' physical activity, physical education enjoyment, and motivational determinants through a three-year school-initiated program. Doctoral Thesis of Sport Pedagogy, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, dissertation 14.6.2014.

Gråstén, A. 2010. Kognitiivisten motivaatiotekijöiden, motivaatioilmaston ja viihtymisen muutokset koululiikunnassa 7−8-luokilla. [Changes in students´ social cognitive factors, motivation climate and physical education enjoyment from 7th grade to 8th grade]. Master Thesis of Sport Pedagogy. University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 27.1.2010.

Gråstén, A. 2002. Lapsikeskeinen valmennus Lapin alueen juniorijääkiekossa. [Child centered junior hockey coaching in the region of Lapland]. Master Thesis of Education. University of Lapland, Finland, 20.5.2002.

Teaching Materials

Jaakkola, T., Sääkslahti, A., Liukkonen, J., Iivonen, S., Kujala, U., Kyröläinen, H., Heinonen, A., Laakso, L., Huotari, P., Kalaja, S., Kuoppala, K., Knuuttila, T., & Gråstén, A. 2012. Move! - fyysisen toimintakyvyn seurantajärjestelmä: Opettajan käsikirja [Move! -Monitoring System for Physical Functional Capacity: Teacher's Handbook].

Other Research Publications

Gråstén, A. & Kokkonen, M. 2020. Väkivaltaa, stressiä ja seksuaalista häirintää [Violence, stress, and sexual harrassment]. Liito: Liikunnan ja terveystiedon opettaja 4, 31-33.

Gråstén, A., Liukkonen, J., Jaakkola, T. & Tammelin, T. 2014. Finnish 2014 Report Card on
Physical Activity for Children and Youth. University of Jyväskylä.

Aira, A., Fogelholm, M., Gråstén, A., Jaakkola, T., Kallio, J., Kokko, S., Koski, P., Kämppi, K.,
Liukkonen, J. Paajanen, M., Soini, A., Ståhl, T., Suomi, K., Tammelin, T., Tynjälä, J., Villberg, J., & Yli-Piipari, S. 2014. Lasten ja nuorten liikunta: Suomen tilannekatsaus 2014 ja kansainvälinen vertailu [Finnish 2014 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth and International Comparison]. University of Jyväskylä.

Gråstén, A. 2014. Liikkumisesta kansalaistaito II -loppuraportti [Final Report of Physical Activity as Civil Skill Program]. Evimeria, Jyväskylä.

Oral Presentations

Jaakkola, T., Huhtiniemi, M., Barkoukis, V., Kolunsarka, I., & Gråstén, A. 2024. Developmental associations of perceived motivational climate in physical education and motor competence in Finnish schoolchildren. Presented at the 2024 NASPSPA Conference. 5-8.6.2024. New Orleans, Louisiana. 

Gråstén, A., Handouk, G., Gabor, B., & Alnuaimi, J. 2023. Accelerometer-measured physical activity, sedentary time, and health-related outcomes in a sample of Emirati female students. Presented at the International Conference on Biomedical Science and Engineering. 6-8.11.2023. Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 

Jaakkola, T., Costigan, S., Gråstén, A., & Huhtiniemi, M. 2023. Associations between physical education anxiety and physical fitness through five years. Presented at the 12th conference of HEPA Europe, the European Network for the Promotion of Health-Enhancing Physical Activity. 11-13.9. 2023. Leuven, Belgium.

Kolunsarka, I., Stodden, D., Gråstén, A., Huhtiniemi, M., & Jaakkola, T. 2023. The influence of organized sport participation on health-related fitness development during adolescence. Presented at the 12th conference of HEPA Europe, the European Network for the Promotion of Health-Enhancing Physical Activity. 11-13.9. 2023. Leuven, Belgium.

Rantalainen, T., Gråstén, A., Haapala, E., Ortega F. B., Huhtiniemi, M., & Jaakkola, T. 2023. Girls with low motor competence may be particularly at risk of insufficient skeletal loading; latent profiles analysis of a four-year follow-up of Finnish adolescents. Presented at the 12th conference of HEPA Europe, the European Network for the Promotion of Health-Enhancing Physical Activity. 11-13.9. 2023. Leuven, Belgium. 

Kolunsarka, I., Gråstén, A., Huhtiniemi, M., & Jaakkola, T. 2022. Development of adolescent's physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness in motor competence profiles over four years. Presented at 4th CIAPSE Congress Education and Physical Activity in Childhood. 7.-9.9.2022. Luxembourg. 

Cruickshank, V., Mainsbridge, C., Patterson, K., Gråstén, A., & Pedersen, S. 2018. Work-
integrated learning in the Bachelor of Health Physical Education program. Presented at Teaching Matters 2018. 21.11.2018. Launceston, Australia.

Gråstén, A. 2017. Testing a Motivational Model of Physical Education on Contextual Outcomes and Total Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity of Middle School Students. Presented at the 19th International Conference on Human Kinetics, Physical Education and Health Education. 10.-11.7.2017. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Gråstén, A. 2015. Students' perceived physical competence and physical activity engagement across one year of school-based program. Presented at the 1st Scientific Conference on Motor Skill Acquisition. 18.-20.11.2015. Kisakallio, Finland.

Gråstén, A. 2014. Children's segmented physical activity and sedentary time during school days, recess, out-of-school, and weekends across two school years. Presented at the III World Forum of Physical Education and School Sport. 18.-21.11.2014. Havana, Cuba.

Takala, K., Kokkonen, M., Gråstén, A.& Liukkonen, J. 2014. Three and four-year-old children's socio-emotional competencies in the kindergarten, physical education, and home settings. Presented at the EARLI SIG 5 Conference. 25.-27.8.2014. Jyväskylä, Finland.

Gråstén, A. 2014. The effects of a one-year school-based physical activity promotion in a sample of secondary school students. Presented at the AIESEP World Congress. 10.-13.2.2014. Auckland, New Zealand.

Liukkonen, J. & Gråstén, A. 2012. Comparison of self-reported and objectively measured physical activity levels of adolescents. Presented at the II World Forum of Physical Education and School Sport. 6.-9.11.2012. Havana, Cuba.

Gråstén, A. 2012. Comparison of methods to measure physical activity in Finnish adolescents. Presented at the International Congress on Enhancement of Physical Activity and Motor Skills. 1.-3.11.2012. Jyväskylä, Finland.

Gråstén, A.2012. Predictive role of exercise motivational determinants for objectively measured physical activity from grade six to upper secondary or vocational school - a three-year follow-up study. Presented at the Physical Activity and Well-being in Children and Adolescents Course 18.6-22.6.2012. Laugarvatn, Iceland.

Gråstén, A.2011. Adolescents' physical activity, perception of physical fitness, perceived
autonomy and social relatedness in physical education from Grade 6 to Grade 9. Presented at the 13th European Congress of Sport Psychology 12.-17.7.2011. Madeira, Portugal.

Gråstén, A. 2011. Adolescents´ physical activity and its motivational antecedents - follow-up from Grade 6 to Grade 9. Presented at the International Congress on Enhancement of Physical Activity of Children and Youth. 7.-9.4.2011. Vuokatti, Finland.

Poster Presentations

Kokkonen, J., Gråstén, A. & Kokkonen, M. 2024. Teachers' self-efficacy and interstudent bullying in Finnish physical education. Paper presented at the 2024 AIESEP International Conference. 13.-17.5.2024. Jyväskylä, Finland.

Kolunsarka, I., Gråstén, A., Huhtiniemi, M. & Jaakkola, T. 2021. Mitatun ja koetun motorisen fyysisen pätevyyden, kestävyyskunnon, fyysisen aktiivisuuden ja painoindeksin kehityksien yhteydet lapsuudesta nuoruuteen [Development of children's actual and perceived motor competence, cardiorespiratory fitness, physical activity, and BMI]. Paper presented at the Finnish Congress of Sport Sciences Webinar. 8.-9.9.2021. Finland.

Gråstén, A., Kokkonen, M. & Kokkonen, J. 2019. Effects of a Creative Physical Education
intervention on social competence and moderate to vigorous physical activity of school-aged children. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference of Physical Activity and Sport. 11.-15.11.2019. Havana, Cuba.

Kokkonen, J., Gråstén, A. & Kokkonen, M. 2019. Testing a social-competence model in Finnish physical education in relation to self-reported physical activity. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference of Physical Activity and Sport. 11.-15.11.2019. Havana, Cuba.

Liukkonen, J., Gråstén, A., Jaakkola, T. & Tammelin, T. 2015. Finnish report card 2014 on
physical activity for children and youth. Paper presented at the 1st Scientific Conference on Motor Skill Acquisition. 18.-20.11.2015. Kisakallio, Finland.

Gråstén, A. 2013. Comparison of methods to measure physical activity in Finnish elementary school children. Paper presented at the 1st World Conference on Personality. 19.-23.3.2013. Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Gråstén, A. 2012. Comparison of methods to measure physical activity in Finnish secondary school students. Paper presented at the II World Forum on Physical Education and School Sport. 6. - 9.11.2012. Havana, Cuba.

Gråstén, A. 2012. Secondary school students' directly measured physical activity in school physical education - The expectancy-value theory approach. Paper presented at the 2012 NASPSPA Conference. 5.-7.6.2012, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Gråstén, A. 2011. Objectively measured and self-reported physical activity among Finnish secondary school students. Paper presented at the 6th ASPASP International Congress. 11.-14.11.2011. Taipei, Taiwan.

Invited Scientific Presentations

Gråstén, A. 2023. Updates on Teaching Methods for Students of Physical Education. Presented at the College of Education, United Arab Emirates University. 21.3 & 23.3.2023. Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.   

Gråstén, A. 2023. Mplus Workshop for Faculty and Graduate Students. Presented at the College of Education, United Arab Emirates University. 8.2 & 15.2.2023. Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.  

Gråstén, A. 2016. An insight into Finnish sport education and research in sport sciences. Presented at the Scientific Seminar on Education and Technology in Sports in Finland. 15.01.2016. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Gråstén, A. 2015. Ikääntyvien liikuntaan ja aktiiviseen elämään motivoivat tekijät ja tavoitteenasettelu (in Finnish). Presented at the In-Service Health and Physical Education Teacher Seminar: Ikääntyneiden liikunta täydennyskoulutus. 06.02.2015. Helsinki, Finland.

Gråstén, A. 2014. Liikkumisesta kansalaistaito: Sotkamon, Kajaanin, ja Kuhmon koululaisten fyysinen aktiivisuus ja liikuntakäyttäytyminen 2014 (in Finnish). Presented at the Research Seminar of Kainuun Etu. 20.05.2014. Vuokatti, Finland.

Gråstén, A. 2013. Liikkumisesta kansalaistaito: Sotkamon, Kajaanin, ja Kuhmon koululaisten fyysinen aktiivisuus ja liikuntakäyttäytyminen 2013 (in Finnish). Presented at the Research Seminar of Kainuun Etu. 30.05.2013. Vuokatti, Finland.

Gråstén, A. 2012. Liikkumisesta kansalaistaito: Sotkamon koululaisten fyysinen aktiivisuus ja liikuntakäyttäytyminen 2010-2012 (in Finnish). Presented at the Research Seminar of Kainuun Etu. 20.11.2012. Vuokatti, Finland.

Liukkonen, J. & Gråstén, A. 2011. Liikkumisesta kansalaistaito: Sotkamon koululaisten fyysinen aktiivisuus 2010 ja 2011 (in Finnish). Presented at the Seminar of the Municipality of Sotkamo. 07.10.2011. Vuokatti, Finland.

Public Presentations

Gråstén, A. 2023. Happy, active children, happy, active families! Presented at the Workshop of the Emirates Center of Happiness Research. 25.10.2023. Al Ain, United Arab Emirates. 10.13140/RG.2.2.20663.09127

Gråstén, A. 2023. Self-Determination Theory perspective: What makes us physically active? Presented at the Webinar of the Fatima Bint Mubarak Ladies Sports Academy. 2.3.2023. Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.

Gråstén, A. 2015. Palokunta liikkumaan! Palokuntanais- ja nuorisotyön syysopintopäivät (in Finnish). Presented at the Seminar of Suomen Pelastusalan Keskusjärjestö ry. 25.10.2015. Jyväskylä, Finland.

Gråstén, A. 2015. Kokeilusta elämäntavaksi (in Finnish). Presented at the Seminar of Keski-Suomen Posti-Tele Eläkeläiset ry. 07.10.2015. Jyväskylä, Finland.

Gråstén, A. 2014. Ikääntyvien liikunta huomisen Suomessa (in Finnish). Presented at the Seminar of Keski-Suomen Posti-Tele Eläkeläiset ry. 21.10.2014. Jyväskylä, Finland.

Gråstén, A. 2013. Arjen vireyttä etsimässä: Fyysinen aktiivisuus vireyden tukena (in Finnish). Presented at the Seminar of Lähi-Tapiola Keski-Suomi. 08.10.2013. Jyväskylä, Finland.

Media Newsletters

Gråstén, A. & Kokkonen, M. 2020. Seksuaalista ja fyysistä väkivaltaa ennaltaehkäisevää koulutusta tulisi tarjota liikunnanopettajille (in Finnish). University of Jyväskylä. 01.09.2020. Jyväskylä, Finland.

Gråstén, A. 2015. Koetun pätevyyden tukeminen liikuntatunneilla numeroa tärkeämpää (in Finnish). University of Jyväskylä. 07.12.2015. Jyväskylä, Finland.

Gråstén, A. 2014. Väitös: Fyysisen ja psyykkisen kouluympäristön muokkaami-nen innostaa koululaisia liikkumaan aktiivisemmin [Dissertation: Students' physical activity, physical education enjoyment, and motivational determinants through a three-year school-initiated program]. University of Jyväskylä. 02.06.2014. Jyväskylä, Finland.

Gråstén, A. & Tilles-Tirkkonen, T. 2014. Liikkumisesta kansalaistaito -ohjelman tulokset rohkaisevat - hanke innostaa koululaisia liikkumaan aktiivisemmin ja syömään terveellisemmin (in Finnish). Evimeria Oy & University of Eastern Finland. 20.05.2014. Sotkamo, Finland.

Gråstén, A. 2013. Kainuun koululaiset liikkuvat entistä useammin (in Finnish). Evimeria Oy. 30.05.2013. Sotkamo, Finland.

Gråstén, A. 2012. Liikkumisesta kansalaistaito -hanke motivoi koululaisia liikkumaan enemmän (in Finnish). Evimeria Oy. 20.05.2012. Sotkamo, Finland. 

Gråstén, A. 2011. Palkittu tutkimus: Koululaiset arvioivat liikkumisensa alakanttiin (in Finnish). University of Jyväskylä. 22.11.2011. Jyväskylä, Finland.

Liukkonen, J. & Gråstén, A. 2011. Liikkumisesta kansalaistaito -hanke: Kyselytutkimuksen tulokset 2010 ja 2011 (in Finnish). University of Jyväskylä. 07.10.2011. Sotkamo, Finland.

Other Public Output

Lukiosta akateemiselle uralle (in Finnish). United Arab Emirates University [Online lecture]. 15.12.2022. Al Ain, United Arab Emirates. 

FIFA World Cup 2022: The legacy for physical activity and health promotion [Panel discussion]. 24.11.2022. United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates. 

Teachers' Day: Health and physical education teacher education: Observations and experiences from Australia and Finland [Online presentation]. 5.10.2022. United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates. 

Aina ei tarvitse kilpailla: riihimäkeläisnuoret löysivät rentoja liikuntatapoja (in Finnish). Yle [Media interview]. 23.09.2021. Hämeenlinna, Finland.

Gråstén, A. 2021. Tasmaniassa moni asia on toisin (in Finnish). Liikunta & Tiede 58(1), 53-55 [Non-academic journal article].

Treeni kohentaa aikuisen tasapainoa ja ketteryyttä (in Finnish). Radio Jyväskylä [Media interview]. 04.06.2015. Jyväskylä, Finland.

Vähän liikkuva henkilö saa koepaikan (in Finnish). Radio Jyväskylä [Media interview]. 23.03.2015. Jyväskylä, Finland.

Vakaapäivä: Tasapainotreeni takaa vahvat vatsalihakset ja vakaan vanhuuden (in Finnish). Trendi [Magazine article]. 12/2015. Helsinki, Finland.

Liikaha sai lapset liikkeelle Kainuussa (in Finnish). Kainuun Sanomat [Newspaper article]. 21.05.2014. Sotkamo, Finland.

Lapset entistä liikkuvampia ja ruokailutottumukset parempia (in Finnish). Sotkamo-lehti [Newspaper article]. 11.10.2011. Sotkamo, Finland.